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$49.95 USD
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This version is for NEW users. This is a PreOrder, the first V2 release should be out in a couple of months.

This order includes Wusik Station AD V1 for instant download.

Windows PC
64 bits native formats: Stand Alone, VST2, and VST3

Wusik Station AD Version 1.0.0 was released on March 28 of 2024. So now is time to prepare the next version 2.0.0. A beta version should be out around April, and the first official V2 around June. The idea is to add more layer types, more color options for the interface and more sounds. I will update the list of new features as I add them to the initial beta release.

For now, here's a temporary list of features for V2:

  • New layer types: FM, 3 OSC Virtual Analog, Modular Synth;
  • More presets;
  • More effects;
  • Extra color options for the interface (right now, it's only blue);
  • More SoundSets. Also, the following previous sets will be added to V2: The Big Sound Collection, The Retro Gold Collection, The Giga Collection and Sound Collection Plus. You will receive instant access to the new sounds so you can start using with WAD V1 right away.

Please, support my work by PreOrdering this new version. I will be working hard on adding even more features, not just the list above. You can also become a Patreon at

Screenshots above are from WAD Version V1 but the first two images are for the initial V2 BETA, with the new UI color options.

Below are videos from Wusik Station AD Version V1, while the first one is about V2 BETA new UI color options.

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