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Wusik Station ST8

$4.95 USD
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Wusik Station ST8

Windows PC 64 bits native formats: Stand Alone App, VST2 and VST3
MacOS Intel and Apple Silicon (M1/M2) 64 Bits VST2, VST3 and AU

Download the Free Demonstration Version (no audio dropouts/noise)

Wusik Station ST8
Is a Wave Morphable Sequencer Synth, Sample Player, and Drum Machine. All integrated into one design, featuring multiple sounds, samples, and drums.

Complete List Of Features:

  • 64-Bits Internal Processing (Filters, Effects, Envelopes);
  • Multi-Program Bank Of Presets VST Compatible with Copy, Paste, Export and Import options;
  • Internal Help (F1) and list of Shortcuts (F2);
  • Resizeable Interface;
  • 4 Layers with Key Switching and MIDI Channel splitter;
  • Each layer has 4 Morphing 8-Bit OSCs with a Sampler Player attached (8-Bits too), with an option to render in 4-Bits (everything else is 64-Bits);
  • Also per layer: Sequencer for the Morphing OSCs and the Sample Player. With options such as Morph (OSCs), pan, volume, tune, fine, reverb, length, and filter. Steps can also feature random values for any of those parameters;
  • Sample player (and the drum machine) can load custom sounds (WAV, AIFF, MP3, FLAC, OGG);
  • Also per layer a complete Drum Machine with advanced options, including sample slicer. 12 Tracks, 64 Patterns with 64 Steps each. Each step have advanced options such as: flam (7 x 1/128 notes), volume, pan, tune, reverb, sample index offset, slice (when slicer is enabled), delay (in 1/128 time). Plus Step and Flam probability option per step. And also random values per step;
  • Each track on the Drum Machine have a selection of a sample, including Custom Loading of samples. Tune, Volume, Pan and Reverb;
  • The Patterns on the Drum Machine can be copied and pasted;
  • Also, the Patterns can be triggered by MIDI Notes or follow the host sequencer position instead;
  • The OSCs runs single cycle waveforms, with an included bank of 651 waveforms (Bank A) and 3136 waveforms (Bank B).
  • The sample player includes 254 single-zone mono samples.
  • The drum machine includes several samples in different groups, for a total of 2461 sounds (all single zone mono);
  • Effects: Reverb and Chorus (also works as a Delay unit). The Reverb has a Hold feature;
  • Random Preset Generator (hit F5, F4 undo/redo);
  • Monitor Brightness and Hue (color) selector;
  • Drag and Drop Banks and Sounds;
  • Option of Bank Exporting with Custom Samples Included;
  • Extra Bank of Presets + Samples.

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