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Wusik Sampler Pi Pico

$9.95 USD
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Wusik Sampler Pi Pico

This version works as a stand-alone and also as a VST2 Plugin. So you can use for music making in your DAW. But you can also flash a Pi Pico board and use as a hardware drum machine without any latency. Move the mouse over a parameter for tool tips. This is Windows 64 bits only.

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By purchasing this product you will get instant access to all required files as seen in the videos. You are not purchasing a hardware product, only the software. You still need to acquire the pi pico board and do the connections required.

Important: set the Pi Pico board speed to 200 Mhz (it's completely safe) in order to get 8 voices in stereo or 16 voices in mono. See the images for example. Also, set optimizations to Even More. Finally, set USB Stack to Adafruit TinyUSB.I haven't tested with a Pi Pico 2 yet, but it should work the same way.

Pi Pico information:

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